4. Alujević K, L Bakewell, I Clifton, C. L. Cox, L. O. Frishkoff, E. J. Gangloff, G. Garcia-Costoya, M. E.
Gifford, M. Glenwinkel, S. Gulati, A. Head, M. Miles, C. Pettit, C.M. Watson, K. L. Wuthrich, M. L.
Logan. 3D printed models are an accurate, cost-effective, and reproducible tool for quantifying terrestrial thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology. 119, 103762. PDF
3. Wuthrich, KL, A Nagel, L Swierk. “Rapid body color change provides lizards with facultative crypsis in the eyes of their avian predators”. The American Naturalist, 199 (2): 277-290. PDF
2. Wuthrich KL, D Stock, J Talavera, B Putman, L Swierk. "Sexual signal conspicuity is correlated with tail autotomy in an anoline lizard". Current Zoology, 68 (1): 129-132. PDF
Natural History Notes
1. Wuthrich KL, L Swierk. 2021. Anolis aquaticus (= Norops aquaticus) (Water Anole). Dewlap coloration. Herpetological Review 52: 401-402.